#PlayMonday (30/05/2016)

Tenth PlayMonday!

This was a very special PlayMonday! This time our main “Players” were the children from a class of the Kindergarten Centro Infantil da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ferreira do Alentejo, there were 21 boys and girls, mostly with 4 years, that brought games to our clients. Before that, the Kindergarten Teacher Rita, talked with her class about PlayMonday, explaining that they would go to our Unit, where they would find people there were sick and that needed something that would make them happier. So they could bring the toys they wanted to play with our clients. And so it was: two boxes full of coloured blocks and lots of books!

Like it was scheduled, the Kindergarten Teacher Rita, the Educative Auxiliary Célia and the children arrived to our Unit. They were all holding hands and very curious. Inside the Recreation Room were our clients that had no idea of what was planned and got very surprised seeing the room being “invaded” by so many little boys and girls wearing the kindergarten uniform’s.

They started by offering to our clients three songs that they sang and it was a way to tell who they were. After that, the Teacher put the children on the tables where the clients were and the coloured blocks were distributed!

In that place were discovered master builders that made buildings, boats, planes, clouds, smiles… Between two generations that had an 80 year old gap, but nothing stopped them, they love to play together, because that way, the blocks went through all the tables without needing any explanations, it was all very spontaneous! The pictures describe it way better than words!

Some of our clients, one in particular, couldn’t contain the tears of happiness: “the children are so beautiful; I really like to meet them.” And all of them said that the liked that the children would visit them often and always brought their toys.

In the end, Raquel (the Psychologist) and the Occupational Therapist served a snack, that they carefully prepared, to all the people in the Recreation Room. Before having it, the children proceeded to disinfect their hands complied with the procedures of Infection Control, since they were in an Health Unit.
But this was a afternoon snack that was enriched by the Kindergarten Teacher’s readings, she chose the book “Lengalenga dos Nomes – Descobre o teu nome e conhece a tua história”, from Marta Elias.

Then, she would ask the name of the people who were there and searched for that name in the book, telling the story associated with the name that was in the book in a very expressive and cheerful way. And for those who didn’t have their name in the book? There was no problem! The Teacher and the children invented rhymes for those names!

And that was how our PlayMonday ended, with a group picture and lots of kisses!

I leave here my special thanks to all the children and to our clients that transformed those moments, to Kindergarten Teacher Rita, Educative Auxiliary Célia, Occupational Therapist Joana, Psychologist Raquel, Sociocultural Worker Ângela, Coordinator Nurse Gabi, Physiotherapist Victor, to Nurse Raquel (that even without being in her shift, she was present in this activity) and to Auxiliaries Lúcilia and Carolina.

Until next PlayMonday!

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