#PlayMonday (28/03/2016)

Eighth Play Monday!

Today our Play Monday almost filled the entire recreation room. And why?

Finally our so expected parachute arrived just at time to a play day. It was enough to see some smiles and some curiosity faces before we started this play. This time our team was bigger. Apart from our usual team (me, Raquel, Joana and Gabi that made her debut last Play Monday), Nurse
Raquel, Social Worker Cátia and auxiliaries Gertrudes, Jesus and Gina also joined us to play!
Joana, that is already an expert with parachutes, presented our play to the clients starting with the warm up. All of our clients and health professionals formed a circle, grabbing the parachute and moving it in a way that would look like a sea of flying colours. So many waves that sometimes we would not see each other, then when we “meet again” everyone would laugh.
To turn it into something funnier, we added a ball that was rolling on the top of the parachute. And so it was, with a ball that looked like it was flying and sliding at high speed and sometimes it would trick us and would escape. But that didn’t discourage anyone, specially our clients that during our play turned pro at mastering the ball and the parachute.
It was very gratifying to see the team that, between clients and health professionals improved it, because it was a teamwork play. An hour passed without noticing and a recreation room that amplified itself, it looked like it was a much better

In the end, I asked Mr. A.G. what were his thoughs about this play and he told me with an enthusiastic look: “I liked it… I looked like a little kid”, and Mr. J.C said that “it was a very funny blanked that looked like it was moving by its own will. We could do this party often”, also Mr. J.F. said that “it turned the day lighter because it had many colours.”

Thank you to every of my co-workers that “surrended” to Play Monday.

In this Play Monday there are more images than words! Therefore, the compilation of all of the photographs that we took can be seen here: 

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