Playing Seriously

Since the first Play Monday that was made in August that we never gave up on this idea. That Play Monday transforms moments, no one have doubts about that. And our clients ask us when it is going to be the next Play day.
As such, now we consider that Play Monday is part of our activity plan, because all the excuses are good enough to change the routine.

But this Play also helps us to complete our clients monthly clinical evaluation, because during that activity we can focus on diverse aspects:

Joana, occupational therapist tells us that “with Play Monday I focus on objects manipulation,  uni, bilateral and visualmotor coordination, understanding and accomplishing orders, but mostly on occupational engagement and social participation. I believe that the performance in different activities is affected by the activities that we choose”;

Ângela, socio-cultural instructor considers that Play Monday is “like a smile sharing, which gives colour to a grey day. It’s also teamwork, interaction and assistance between everyone, evaluating the desire to participate and build and the well-being with ourselves, because in those moments we are one”;

Raquel, Psychologist reveals that “playing activates brain connections, promoting emotional and psychological well-being and relief/decrease of depressive symptoms and distancing of reality through playing”;

Me, as a Nurse, think that the highlights of Play Monday are the pain relief, like some clients tell me after our Play, and all this because of the endorphins that are generated due to the good mood and the laugh, which is excellent to release tension and relief stress (and not just that).

And so, we play seriously in our Unit! We would like to read and see other Plays, who knows on next Play Monday! That’s why I’m inviting again all the Health Professionals, Clients, Relatives, Care Givers, Friends… In an hospital environment to adopt this blog and sharing your Plays.
Let’s do it?

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